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Language Levels ( A1 - C2 )

B2 - Intermediate +

Level Description

At level B2, the participant can understand complex language and express themselves objectively, clearly, and nuanced about a wide range of general topics and topics within their own field and areas of interest. The participant can express and respond to viewpoints and arguments and participate in interactive situations with such spontaneous and fluent language that communication does not become strenuous for any of the parties.

B2 Listening

The goal of the training is for the participant to understand main content and specific details in speech about general topics and topics related to their own field and areas of interest when spoken at a normal speech pace, even when the speech is linguistically and substantively complex.

The participant should be able to:

  • understand most of what is said and grasp attitudes and viewpoints in conversations, discussions, and debates
  • follow complex argumentation if the topic is relatively familiar and the transitions between arguments are clearly marked
  • grasp the main content in academic or professional presentations within their own field and areas of interest
  • understand information in messages, instructions, and detailed directions
  • understand most of the content in auditory and audiovisual material, such as news broadcasts, documentaries, films, and podcasts in a familiar dialect
  • understand dialects when the speaker adjusts their language as needed
  • use a range of listening strategies to achieve understanding, including trying to grasp main points and checking if they have understood the message correctly, using contextual cues.

B2 Reading

The goal of the training is for the participant to be able to read independently and understand complex texts in various genres within a wide range of general topics and topics related to their own field and areas of interest.

The participant should be able to:

  • read and understand the essential content in exchanges of information, for example in formal letters, emails, and social media
  • read and understand complex instructions and manuals related to their own field
  • follow lines of argument in various texts about current societal issues and from their own field
  • read and understand composite texts that include graphical representations, such as different types of diagrams
  • read and understand a selection of literary texts
  • skim long and complex texts and assess the relevance of the content
  • scan long texts to find relevant details
  • use appropriate search techniques and reading methods to find relevant information from various websites
  • use a range of reading strategies to achieve understanding, including trying to grasp main points and checking if they have understood the message correctly, using contextual cues
  • use various reading strategies to grasp main features in a text in the form they are least familiar with.

B2 Writing

The goal of the training is for the participant to be able to communicate in writing and write clear, detailed, and coherent texts adapted to various purposes, recipients, and situations about most general topics and topics within their own field and areas of interest.

The participant should be able to:

  • write clear and detailed explanatory texts
  • process, summarize, and convey the main content of complex texts reliably about topics related to their own field and areas of interest
  • take appropriate notes from a meeting, presentation, or lecture within their own field and areas of interest
  • write reports and minutes related to their own field and areas of interest
  • describe events, experiences, and feelings clearly, detailed, and nuanced
  • express their own opinions and discuss and comment on others' contributions in digital communication
  • write detailed messages, emails, and letters adapted to the recipient and purpose
  • write texts where they develop an argument, provide reasons for or against a specific viewpoint, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different alternatives
  • write academic texts within their own field and areas of interest where they summarize and critically use information from various sources, express and support their own viewpoints, and draw conclusions
  • write and process clear and detailed texts adapted to the situation and purpose
  • use various writing strategies adapted to the context, genre, and purpose of the writing.

B2 Speaking

The goal of the training is for the participant to be able to express themselves clearly and understandably about most general topics and topics related to their own field and areas of interest. The participant should be able to participate in most oral interactive situations with relatively spontaneous and fluent language.

The participant should be able to:

  • describe experiences, events, and expectations in a nuanced and precise manner
  • provide complex information and clear, detailed instructions and messages
  • give well-structured, prepared presentations, both with and without the use of digital tools
  • present a case or a problem and justify their viewpoint by developing and supporting their arguments with subpoints and relevant examples
  • take initiative and follow up on what is said in conversations and discussions, and contribute to the flow of the conversation
  • talk about many different topics with spontaneity and fluency and adapt the language to the current interactive situation
  • present themselves and their own skills appropriately and answer questions comprehensively in connection with a job interview
  • participate in conversations where they express feelings in a nuanced manner, highlight the personal significance of events and experiences, and respond appropriately
  • argue for their own viewpoints in discussions and meetings within their own field and areas of interest in an objective and nuanced manner
  • summarize and reliably convey the main content of complex information related to their own field and areas of interest
  • collaborate on solving tasks by discussing different alternatives, commenting on others' contributions, and making their own suggestions
  • handle most communication problems by rephrasing or avoiding difficult expressions
  • initiate, maintain, and end a conversation appropriately, with effective turn-taking.

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