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Language Levels ( A1 - C2 )

A1 - Beginner

Level Description

At level A1, the participant can understand and use familiar, everyday expressions and very simple statements about themselves and their immediate surroundings. The participant can engage in very simple, familiar interactive situations if the interlocutors adjust their language and are supportive.

A1 Listening

The goal of the training is for the participant to understand familiar words and phrases and very simple sentences about familiar, everyday topics when very simple language is used in slow, very clearly articulated speech. The participant may need contextual support.

The participant should be able to:

  • recognize and understand familiar words and phrases and very simple sentences in conversations about familiar and nearby topics
  • grasp the main content of very simply conveyed information in a familiar context
  • understand very simple messages, instructions, and directions when directed specifically at the participant
  • understand numbers and expressions for quantity, prices, and time
  • comprehend very simple information about familiar topics from auditory and audiovisual material
  • understand some pronunciation and dialect variations of some of the most frequent words in the local dialect (e.g., personal pronouns)
  • use some very simple listening strategies, such as inferring the meaning of concrete, everyday words from a very simple context or based on similarities with other languages the participant speaks.

A1 Reading

The goal of the training is for the participant to be able to read and understand words, sentences, and short, very simple texts about familiar everyday topics. The participant may need contextual support.

The participant should be able to:

  • recognize familiar names, familiar words, and very simple phrases in simple authentic texts, such as signs, notices, information boards, websites, tables, and advertisements
  • read and understand very simple sentences in short, simple messages and notices
  • read and understand short, illustrated instructions that are very simply formulated
  • get an impression of content conveyed in simple language in very simple authentic informative texts, especially if there is support in illustrations
  • read and understand very simple, adapted informative and literary texts, especially if there is support in illustrations
  • use some simple reading strategies, such as inferring the meaning of concrete, everyday words from a very simple context or based on similarities with other languages the participant knows.

A1 Writing

The goal of the training is for the participant to be able to communicate in writing using simple words, very simple phrases, and sentences about familiar, everyday topics and needs.

The participant should be able to:

  • write very simply about themselves and close relationships, such as where they live, what they do, and what they like and dislike
  • describe people, places, and objects in a very simple way
  • write and respond to very simple messages about concrete, familiar topics and personal needs
  • write and comment on posts in a very simple way in digital communication
  • fill in some personal information in very simple forms, for example on websites and in apps
  • use numbers in, for example, dates, times, quantities, and prices in written texts
  • convey the content of pictures and very simple, adapted texts.

A1 Speaking

The goal of the training is for the participant to be able to use very simple phrases and sentences to talk about themselves and close relationships. The participant should be able to engage in very simple, familiar oral interactions in everyday life when the interlocutor speaks slowly and clearly and is supportive.

The participant should be able to:

  • use very simple phrases to talk about themselves and their background
  • describe and talk about people, objects, places, and activities using words and simple phrases or sentences
  • express their own needs in everyday interaction situations in a very simple way
  • talk about likes and dislikes using some set phrases and very simple sentences
  • ask and answer very simple, direct questions about personal matters and everyday topics
  • respond to simple, direct questions about themselves in a very simple way in an interview situation
  • use short, rehearsed phrases suitable for everyday interaction situations such as thanking, greeting, and saying goodbye
  • use numbers and expressions for time, quantities, and prices in everyday interaction situations
  • convey very simple information about time and place
  • convey the content of pictures and very simple oral information
  • cooperate on very simple tasks by making suggestions, showing understanding or need for clarification, and asking if others understand.

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