Words that look similar in Norwegian and English but have different meanings
Not every Norwegian word is a walk in the park for English speakers. To help you avoid common pitfalls, I’ve collected a list of the easiest words to get wrong if you go by spelling alone.
Norwegian | False Friend | Correct Translation |
advokat | advocate | lawyer |
akkurat | accurate | exactly |
aktuell | actual | current, topical |
altså | also | therefore |
anger | anger | regret |
annonse | announce | advertisement |
art | art | species |
bak | back | butt |
bare | bare | only |
barn | barn | child/children |
be | be | to pray |
billion | billion | trillion |
blankett | blanket | form (to fill in) |
blek | bleak | pale |
bra | bra | good, well |
dam | dam | puddle |
dog | dog | still, but |
dress | dress | suit |
etikett | etiquette | label |
eventuelt | eventual | possibly |
fabrikk | fabric | factory |
fang | fang | lap, catch |
far | far | father |
fart | fart | speed |
fest | feast | party |
genial | genial | genius |
gift | gift | married / poison |
gjespe | gasp | yawn |
god | God | good |
grine | grin | cry, sulk |
gyldig | gilded | valid |
haike | hike | hitchhike |
handle | handle | to act, to shop |
harm | harm | angry |
hav | have | ocean |
hell | hell | luck |
høyskole | high school | college |
kinn | kin | cheek |
klosett | closet | lavatory |
koke | cook | boil |
kokk | bad word | cook |
kondisjon | condition | cardio |
konkurrent | concurrent | competitor |
konsekvent | consequent | consistent(ly) |
kraft | craft | force, power |
kritikk | critique | criticism, critique |
likør | liquor | liqueur |
lykke | luck | happiness |
lykkelig | lucky | happy / blissful |
lystig | lusty | merry |
mappe | map | folder |
more | more | have fun |
mosjon | motion | exercise |
novelle | novel | short story |
offer | offer | sacrifice, victim |
overhode | overhead | (not) at all |
oversikt | oversight | overview |
overta | overtake | take over |
pass | pass | passport |
pensel | pencil | paintbrush |
permisjon | permission | leave (from work/the army etc) |
publikum | public | audience |
pupp | puppy | breast |
puppe | puppy | pupa, chrysalis |
rare | rare | strange (plural) |
reise | raise | travel/journey |
rente | rent | interest (financial) |
resept | receipt | prescription |
roman | Roman | novel |
sky | sky | cloud |
slips | slip | tie |
spare | spare | save (money) |
stek | steak | fry |
svamp | swamp | sponge |
ta en tur | take a hike | take a trip |
tell | tell | count |
tolv | toll | twelve |
trapp | trapp | staircase |
truck | truck | forklift |
vink | wink | wave |
This list shouldn't scare you off from learning Norwegian though. As with any language, challenges are part of the journey!
Vi snakkes!