Resources for Learning Nynorsk

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Bokmål vs Nynorsk

Academic paper by the language council.

Read the paper

YouTube video explaining in depth why both Bokmål and Nynorsk exist

Watch the video

The most important grammar rules - Minigrammatikk

Visit Minigrammatikk

Nynorsk course by NTNU

NTNU university has created and published a free 8 video long program created to help you start learning nynorsk.

Watch the course

A1 & A2 online tasks / lessons

Visit the tasks and lessons

Nynorsk tests, grammar and writing

Explore Nynorsk tests and grammar


A great website with nynorsk resources for all levels.

Visit Nynorsksenteret

Teaching resources for those who will teach nynorsk to immigrants

Visit teaching resources


Dictionary you can use for either only bokmål, only nynorsk or both.

Visit Ordbokene


Webpage that recommends books in nynorsk based on student age / level.

Visit Nynorskbok


Newspaper in nynorsk.

Visit Fremtida

Informational post by a native speaker

Informational post by a native speaker who decided to dive deep into learning nynorsk. He lists a lot of great resources and details his own journey.

Read the post

List of reading material

Available to read online for free (might require a Norwegian IP address).

Access the reading material