Norwegian Newspapers

A curated collection of Norwegian newspapers to help you practice reading

nrk logo
Rank: #2

NRK - Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation - is the public service broadcaster in Norway. The objective of public service broadcasting is to provide the entire population with access to a broad range of content.

VG logo
Rank: #1

Verdens Gang ("The course of the world"), generally known under the abbreviation VG, is a Norwegian tabloid newspaper with the most-read online newspaper in Norway

Aftenposten logo
Rank: #7

Aftenposten (translated: "The Evening Post”) was one of the largest printed newspaper by circulation in Norway. It is based in Oslo.

E24 logo
Rank: #5

Financial Newpaper

Nettavisen logo
Rank: #6

Newspaper covering national news.

Klar Tale logo
Klar Tale

Newpaper that simplifies the news, both in terms of vocabulary and complexity. Great resource for beginners!

Nyheter i Bilder logo
Nyheter i Bilder

Beginner friendly picture stories

Dagbladet logo
Rank: #3

Dagbladet (English: The Daily Magazine) is one of Norway's largest newspapers and is published in the tabloid format. It has 1,400,000 daily readers on mobile, web and paper.

TV2 logo
Rank: #4

News-website for the second largest tv channel in Norway

Finansavisen logo
Rank: #15

Finansavisen er en riksdekkende dagsavis som utgis av Hegnar Media. Den fokuserer på næringslivsnyheter